Guidelines-for-Submitting-Entries 2018 (pdf)
Go to the SOPA Awards Submission site (
Before submitting entries for the Awards, you must click on Registration for SOPA Awards to register your publication and the contact person for your publication’s entries.
This year, we are using Award Force’s awards system for our award management software. Once you have registered, the contact person will receive an email that will provide the login username and password.
You are then ready to make entries for the Awards.
Step 1: Create a New Entry
Start by clicking the “Start New Entry” red button.
You will then be taken to the “Start Here” tab where you will will need to submit basic information about your entry, such as the category / categories of awards you wish to enter, the title of the entry, and the date of publication.
Step 2: Nomination Form
The next step brings you to the “Questions” tab where you will state the reasons why you would like to nominate the entry for the Awards. There is a maximum character limit of 3000. Here you will also provide your editor’s contact information.
Step 3: Entry Uploads
Next you will arrive at the “Attachments” tab. Here, you may upload files and/or URL for your entries. If you are submitting more than one file, click the “+” button to add another file. If you submit a URL, you must provide username and password if it is a secured site.
It is up to you to ensure that judges can access the URL. Invalid URL, username and/or password will automatically disqualify your entry.
Step 4: Submit Entry
Once you are finished click “Submit Entry” blue button and you will be taken to the payment window. You can pay for multiple entries at once.
For SOPA membership discount code, please request via email to [email protected].
Any requests on the last day of the submission may not make it on time.
Step 5: Payment
You may choose to make one payment for all entries at the end or pay for each entry separately. All payments will be made online through with Paypal account or credit card.
All entries are saved automatically and you may view / edit / delete an entry by clicking on “My Entries” on the left menu bar at any time to select the entry you wish to view / edit / delete. Once entries have been paid for, they cannot be edited or deleted.
An entry is not submitted until payment is made. When an entry has been successfully submitted, the contact person of your publication will receive a confirmation email.